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Ombudsman Sabina Aliyeva

Azerbaijani Ombudsman calls for sanctions against Armenia for mine terror

Baku. TurkicWorld:

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Ombudsperson) Sabina Aliyeva has made a statement in connection with the mine explosions that occurred yesterday in Azerbaijan, TurkicWorld reports.

"Armenia's mine terror continues to endanger and take the lives of Azerbaijani civilians and military personnel.

As a result of three mine incidents that occurred on October 6, one civilian was killed, an officer of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and another civilian were wounded.

The mines laid by Armenia in Azerbaijani territories liberated from occupation create a serious obstacle to the safety of civilians and our military personnel, the peacebuilding process in the region, the implementation of infrastructure projects, as well as the return of former internally displaced persons to their native lands.

Despite repeated appeals, the refusal of the Armenian side to hand over accurate mine maps to our country leads to the death of civilians and military personnel. This step by Armenia once again shows that they are not interested in restoring peace in the region.

As the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I strongly demand that Armenia provide Azerbaijan with accurate mine maps, demonstrate unity in establishing peace in the region and call on the international community to impose appropriate sanctions against Armenia's mine terror," she noted.

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