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Ombudsman Ali Asadov

Azerbaijani PM debates with head of Türkiye's Institute for Human Rights and Equality

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 1. Azerbaijani Prime Minister Ali Asadov met with Chairman of the Human Rights and Equality Institute of Türkiye Muharrem Kılıç, TurkicWorld reports.

The sides discussed reforms in the spheres of the development of democratic, rule-of-law states, civil society, and effective protection of human rights and freedoms.

Likewise, the sides acknowledged the continuous development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Türkey in the field of human rights and freedoms, among other areas. The significance of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two nations' ombudspersons, signed in Baku in 2021, was stressed. It was stated that the work done under the instrument contributes to the growth of cooperation in the relevant field.

Prospects for the development of mutually beneficial Azerbaijani-Turkish cooperation in various spheres, including the field of human rights and freedoms, were discussed at the meeting.

Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsperson) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva was also present at the meeting.

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