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Jabrayil ANAMA explosion

Azerbaijan's ANAMA employee dies following ordnance explosion in Jabrayil district

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 21. An employee of the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA), Ragif Isayev (born in 1980), died following an ordnance explosion in the liberated Jabrayil district, TurkicWorld reports via the joint statement by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the General Prosecutor's Office, and ANAMA.

According to the statement, other employees who sustained various degrees of injuries during the incident were evacuated to the district hospital, and their condition is assessed as satisfactory.

"Currently, the scene is being inspected by prosecution officials. An investigation into the incident is being conducted by the Jabrayil district prosecutor's office," the statement added.

Following the liberation of its lands from Armenian occupation in the 2020 second Karabakh war, Azerbaijan from Nov. 2020

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