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ANAMA Samir Poladov

Landmines in Azerbaijan's Karabakh smashing up environment - ANAMA

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 30. Landmines in Azerbaijan's Karabakh heavily damage the environment, Deputy Head of the Board of the Azerbaijan Mine Action Agency (ANAMA) Samir Poladov said, TurkicWorld reports.

Poladov made the remark at today's 3rd International Conference on Humanitarian Demining on the topic "Mitigating the Environmental Impact of Landmines - Resource Mobilization for a Safe and Green Future" in Zangilan.

He pointed out that clearing nearly 1.5 million landmines in Karabakh can result in emissions of around 12,600 tons of CO2.

According to him, this highlights that landmines also harm the environment, in addition to causing humanitarian problems.

Poladov mentioned that Azerbaijan is still in need of help from donors and the international community to eliminate its mine clearance crisis.

"We hope that this financial support will increase in the coming years," he added.

To note, the 3rd International Humanitarian Demining Conference is attended by over 300 delegates from 75 countries.

The participants include high-ranking officials from various countries, senior UN headquarters staff, representatives of reputable international organizations and demining centers from different countries, as well as officials from accredited diplomatic missions in Azerbaijan.

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