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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

Azerbaijan amends requirements for biologically active additives

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 27. President Ilham Aliyev has signed the law on amendments to the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Medicines" and "On Advertising," TurkicWorld reports.

According to the amendment to the "On Medicines" law, biologically active additives (dietary supplements) are designed to enrich the diet with one or more nutrients and other biologically active substances, formulated in defined and measured daily doses (such as capsules, tablets, ampoules, drops, and similar forms).

Additionally, biologically active additives must comply with the requirements of the Azerbaijan Republic's law, "On Food Safety."

In advertisements for biologically active additives, it is required to specify that they are not medicines and do not possess therapeutic properties, along with the registration number confirming compliance with the Azerbaijan Republic's law "On Food Safety."

Accordingly, under the amendment to the "On Advertising" law, advertisements for biologically active additives must include a statement that they are not medicines and do not have therapeutic properties, along with the registration number confirming compliance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Food Safety."

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