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Kazakhstan The Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Turkology

The Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation held an international scientific and methodological conference in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the inclusion of the Tanbaly monuments in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 4.
The Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation held an international scientific and methodological conference on "Spiritual values and cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples" in the Visit Center of the “Tanbaly” Museum-Reserve of the Republic of Kazakhstan, TurkicWorld reports. The event, organized under the auspices of the Foundation, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Akimat of the Almaty region, the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum- Reserve "Tanbaly", is timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the inclusion of Tanbaly monuments in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List (2004).

Within the framework of the event, the first meeting of the Advisory Council of Restorers and Architectural Historians established under the auspices of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation in order to preserve and popularize the Turkic cultural heritage both in the countries of the Turkic world and beyond was held.

The event was attended by Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Malik Otarbayev, President of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Aktoty Raimkulova, Chairperson of the Culture Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kumis Seitova, the team of the State Institute of History and the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve-Museum Tanbaly, as well as over 20 historical scientists from 6 countries.

At the conference with the participation of leading experts in Turkology (archaeologists and historians) from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, as well as other Turkic peoples, prospects for regional cooperation in the field of research and protection, as well as restoration of the Turkic archaeological heritage were discussed.

Speaking at the conference president of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Aktoty Raimkulova noted that this conference is a single platform that unites archaeologists, historians, specialists of the Turkic world and promotes mutual exchange of experience. She underlined that the agenda of the conference includes issues such as the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples, as well as the development of strategies for its promotion on a global scale.

Aktoty Raimkulova highlighted the holding of the first meeting of the Advisory Council of Restorers and Architectural Historians, established under the auspices of the Foundation, within the framework of the event: "The activities of the Council include participation in the study and preservation of cultural heritage sites of the Turkic peoples, as well as in the development of restoration as an integral part of the field of preservation of architectural monuments, assistance to research and publishing activities of specialists and architectural scientists for the study and restoration of immovable cultural heritage, which will contribute to the popularization of the cultural heritage of the Turkic world".

President of the Foundation Aktoty Raimkulova expressed confidence that the conference will become a bright stage in the preservation and promotion of the Turkic cultural heritage, as well as in the development of the scientific and practical potential of the Turkic world.

The event also included the opening of the scientific and restoration laboratory of rock paintings in the visit center of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural "Tanbaly" Museum-Reserve.

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