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Kyrgyz Cabinet holds emergency consultation with WHO on new COVID-19 strain

Bishkek, Nov. 28, 2021 . / Kabar / . Due to emergence of a "omicron" new strain of coronavirus infection in the world, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Edil Baisalov held an emergency consultation with representatives of the republic’s Health Ministry and the World Health Organization.

The meeting discussed current information and development of response measures, Kabar reported citing the press service of the Cabinet.

New COVID-19 strain called "omicron" was included by the WHO among the strains of "concern”.

Representative and Head of the WHO Country Office in Kyrgyzstan Nazira Artykova stated that despite the stable epidemiological situation in the republic, there is need to speed up the immunization process among the republic's population in order to prevent the spread of infection, since the "omicron" strain has the ability to spread very quickly compared to other COVID-19 strains.

Baisalov stated that tomorrow the Cabinet of Ministers will take specific decisions to mobilize resources and intensify measures in connection with the emergence of the new strain.

He instructed the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make appropriate proposals and take all necessary measures to prevent the spread of the new strain of coronavirus infection in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

"We have conducted an analyze and received precise evidence that all deaths in recent months have been recorded only among those unvaccinated. Vaccines have absolutely saved lives, even when infected, the disease runs in mild form,” said Edil Baisalov.