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Azerbaijan Karabakh ANAMA

Azerbaijan's ANAMA shares updates on weekly de-mining activities on liberated lands

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 19. The Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) has released weekly data on landmine clearance activities on the country's liberated lands, TurkicWorld reports citing the agency.

According to ANAMA, 18 anti-personnel landmines, 12 anti-personnel, 18 anti-tank mines, and 151 unexploded ordnance were found and defused in Tartar, Aghdam, Fuzuli, Shusha, Gubadli, Jabrayil, and Zangilan, as part of the de-mining process from June 12 through June 17, 2023.

A total area of 156 hectares was cleared of mines and unexploded ordnances, ANAMA added.

Following the liberation of its lands from Armenian occupation in the Second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan from Nov. 2020 started carrying out operations on clearing its lands of mines, booby traps, and various weapons left behind by the Armenian troops.

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