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Kazakhstan plans to build number of gas processing plants

Baku. TurkicWorld:

The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan has formed 60 projects totaling 17 trillion tenge (about $38 billion) as part of the Nationwide Pool of Investment Projects, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the Ministry, among investment projects, an important place is also given to the construction of gas processing plants.

Thus, a gas processing plant with a capacity of 4 billion cubic meters per year will be built at the Karachaganak field. Commissioning of the facility is scheduled for 2028.

At the same time, by 2030, it is planned to commission a new gas processing plant with a capacity of 2.5 billion cubic meters at the Kashagan field.

Moreover, currently, construction of a gas processing plant with a capacity of 1 billion cubic meters is underway at the Kashagan field. The plant plans to be commissioned in the second half of 2026.

Meanwhile, in 2023, Kazakhstan's gas output was 59.063 billion cubic meters, with the largest fields being Tengiz (16.009 billion cubic meters), Karachaganak (22.385 billion cubic meters), Kashagan (11.856 billion cubic meters), and others (8.813 billion cubic meters).

Furthermore, Kazakhstan plans to output over 60 billion cubic meters of gas in 2024.

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