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Kazakhstan Organization of Turkic States (OTS)

Kazakhstan to host meeting of tourism ministers of OTS countries

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, October 9. The 8th meeting of the Ministers of Tourism of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) is planned to be held in the Kazakh city of Turkestan, said the official representative of the Kazakh MFA Aybek Smadiyarov, TurkicWorld reports.

As he noted, at the meeting, issues of increasing direct flights between large cities of member states and observers of the OTS, increasing the tourism potential of "Zhibek Zholy" (a village in the Turkestan region), as well as the development of the tourism industry will be discussed.

"At the same time, within the framework of the event, the International Tourism Forum "Turkestan – the tourist capital of the Turkic world" will be organized," he added.

OTS is an intergovernmental organization comprising prominent independent Turkic countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan. Hungary, Northern Cyprus and Turkmenistan are observer states to the organization.

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