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Kazakhstan Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)

Water scarcity hinders Central Asia's development - UNDP's deputy chairperson

ALMATY, Kazakhstan, June 27. Limited water resources are a key challenge for the development of Central Asia, the deputy Resident Representative of UNDP in Kazakhstan Sukhrob Khojimatov said during the session "Water, energy, and Food in Central Asia: partnerships and Projects for Sustainable Development" at the Business Forum in Almaty, TurkicWorld reports.

"Limited water resources are a key challenge for the development of Central Asia and negatively affect the situation of the population, which is about 75–78 million people. A long-term and integrated approach is needed for the development of the region," he said.

According to him, modernizing irrigation, introducing innovative water conservation and reuse methods, and developing alternative water sources are needed to increase water resource efficiency.

"Climate change causes water scarcity, which hinders Central Asian growth. This region relies on water since GDP is tied to water and water management, and 20–50 percent of the able-bodied population works in agriculture," Khojimatov added.

To note, the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) Business Forum in Almaty featured "Water, Energy, and Food in Central Asia: Partnerships and Projects for Sustainable Development."

The participants discussed the coordination of development in the water-food-energy nexus, cooperation between multilateral development banks and international organizations, and the most promising projects and approaches in government regulation, the water sector, the power sector, and industry.

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