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Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov Georgia

Azerbaijani FM and Georgian MP discuss regional situation

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 27. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, during his official visit to Georgia, met with Chairman of the Georgian Parliament Shalva Papuashvili, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry told TurkicWorld.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the strategic partnership agenda between Azerbaijan and Georgia, prospects for inter-parliamentary cooperation, and the current regional situation.

It was highlighted that mutually beneficial cooperation in the economy, trade, investment, energy, transportation, communications, humanitarian sciences, and other fields, characterized by strategic partnership, is a source of satisfaction. The significance of ongoing work on the Middle Corridor and collaborative efforts was underscored.

Additionally, the importance of enhancing joint initiatives among Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Türkiye within the trilateral framework, at both ministerial and parliamentary levels, was emphasized.

The Azerbaijani minister highlighted the role of parliamentary diplomacy, mutual visits between parliamentary leaders, and extensive cooperation among friendship groups in advancing the multidimensional cooperation agenda between the nations.

He positively assessed the contribution of legislative cooperation to fostering friendly and neighborly relations between the peoples of Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Bayramov provided updates on preparations for the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), scheduled to be hosted in Azerbaijan this year, noting new opportunities for expanding cooperation within COP29.

The Georgian delegation was briefed on the current post-conflict situation, extensive reconstruction efforts in liberated Azerbaijani territories, initiatives addressing the mine threat, and ongoing normalization processes between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on various other mutual interest issues.

Minister Bayramov also made an entry in the Book of Honorable Guests at the Parliament.

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