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Armenia's militarisation undermines regional stability - Azerbaijani FM

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 28. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov has met with visiting US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry told TurkicWorld.

Issues on the bilateral and multilateral agenda between the two nations, as well as the present situation and future prospects for the process of mending bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, were reviewed at the meeting.

"The meeting underscored the importance of enhancing bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and the US, rooted in historical ties and mutual interests across various sectors. Bayramov briefed O'Brien on the post-conflict situation in the region and Azerbaijan's ongoing negotiations for a peace agreement with Armenia.

It was highlighted that Azerbaijan, as the initiator of the peace process with Armenia, is deeply committed to achieving regional peace and stability. In addition to acknowledging significant progress, there was a strong emphasis on Armenia amending its constitution and legislative acts to renounce ongoing claims on Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Furthermore, concerns were raised about Armenia's policy of militarization and its adverse impact on regional peace and stability.

The sides also exchanged views on other bilateral and regional issues of mutual interest," the ministry's statement reads.

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