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Azerbaijan makes revisions to its draft state budget

BAKU, Azerbaijan, December 1. A number of changes to Azerbaijan's draft state budget for next year have been unveiled, Finance Minister Samir Sharifov said, TurkicWorld reports.

He spoke at the discussion of the state budget for 2024 at today's meeting of Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis (Parliament) Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, and Entrepreneurship.

Samir Sharifov specifically stated that monies from the state budget for 2024 will be distributed to the State Agency for Science and Higher Education, which is part of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Science and Education, as well as the State Agency for Preschool and General Education.

As Sharifov noted, budget expenses for Ministry apparatus maintenance would be lowered by 15 million manat ($8.8 million), and funds would be provided to ensure the functioning of newly constituted state agencies. Furthermore, 5.9 million manat ($3.4 million) will be spent from the budget next year on the maintenance of the apparatus of the State Water Resources Agency, and 3.6 million manat ($2.1 million) will be spent on the maintenance of the newly founded State Control Service for Water Use and Protection.

"We propose that these funds be established at the expense of reserve money. Structures having similar functions in our other organizations have been eliminated with the establishment of the Service of State Control over Water Use and Protection under the State Water Resources Agency. These structures' expenses are likewise decreased and accounted for in this agency's financial provision," the minister concluded.

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