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France Emmanuel Macron

Macron's allies fear he will lead them to doom

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 12. Members of parliament belonging to Emmanuel Macron's coalition are shaking in their boots, fearing that the president's decision to hold new parliamentary elections could be a recipe for disaster, the publication Politico said, quoting sources, TurkicWorld reports.

"The French president's allies are worried that Emmanuel Macron's sudden decision to call for special elections for the National Assembly following his loss in the elections for the European Parliament could spell doom for them," the publication reads.

The Bloomberg agency claims that Macron's decision to pull the plug on the National Assembly and call for fresh parliamentary elections stirred up a hornet's nest of chaos and anger among his entourage, including the Renaissance party, which he leads.

To note, the National Unity parliamentary faction won 31.36 percent (7.7 million votes) in the European Parliament elections. Emmanuel Macron's supporters managed to win the trust of 3.6 million citizens, which is 14.6 percent of the vote. Thus, "National Unity" managed to more than double ahead of the coalition of the head of the French state. Also in the elections, third place was taken by the Socialists led by Raphaël Glucksmann. They were supported by 3.4 million people, or 13.83 percent of voters.

Emmanuel Macron announced on June 9 that the National Assembly would be dismissed and extraordinary elections would be held after the failure of his party in the elections. The first round of extraordinary elections to the French parliament is scheduled for June 30, and the second round is scheduled for July 7.

To recall, the last time the National Assembly (the lower house of the French parliament) was dissolved by President Jacques Chirac was in 1997.

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