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Iran manages to talk with two on board of helicopter carrying President Raisi

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 19. Vice President of Iran Mohsen Mansouri stated that following the incident involving the helicopter transporting President of Iran Ebrahim Raisin from Hudafarin to Tabriz, there were multiple communications with two individuals, TurkicWorld reports.

One of them was a passenger on the helicopter, and the other was a member of the helicopter crew.

Mansouri added that the incident appears to have been less complex than initially thought. Currently, search operations are underway in a 2-square-kilometer area where the incident occurred.

Today, a helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, Representative of Iran's Supreme Leader in Tabriz Mohammad Ali Ali Hashemi, and East Azerbaijan Province Governor Malik Rehmati made a hard landing on its way from Hudafarin to Tabriz. Due to weather conditions and difficult terrain, search and rescue teams have not yet reached the crash site.

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