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Iran observes growth in local passenger car manufacturing

BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 7. Iran’s local passenger car production increased by 18.5 percent in the first seven months of the current Iranian year (March 21 through October 22, 2023), compared to the same period last year, TurkicWorld reports.

Data from Iranian Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade shows that a total of 646,486 passenger cars were manufactured in Iran during seven months.

In the corresponding period previous year (March 21 through October 22, 2022), Iran’s passenger car manufacturing stood at 545,536 units.

Over the 7th month alone (September 23 through October 22, 2023), 100,950 passenger cars were manufactured within the country, representing a 13.5-percent increase compared to 88,919 units in the same month last Iranian year.

There are three giant car manufacturing companies - Iran Khodro, Saipa, and Pars Khodr - operating in Iran. By implementing various projects, Iran intends to increase manufacturing in the auto industry.

Meanwhile, 762,567 various vehicles (including passenger cars, pick-up trucks, buses and minibuses, vans, trucks, trailers, and so on) were produced in Iran in 7 months. This is an increase of 21.7 percent compared to the same period last year.

In total, 1.18 million passenger cars were manufactured in the country for the last Iranian year (March 21, 2022, through March 20, 2023), which is an increase of 35 percent compared to 874,000 units in the preceding year (March 21, 2021, through March 20, 2022).


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