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Defese Ministry Azerbaijan Naval Forces

Azerbaijani naval forces dive into explosive ordnance disposal course

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 17. In accordance with the training plan for 2024, an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Course is being held with a group of Naval Special Forces personnel, TurkicWorld reports, referring to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

According to the course plan, the tasks laid out for the marine phase are tackled head-on to sniff out bottom mines, various types of explosive ordnance, and improvised explosive devices, planted by phantom terrorist groups. The goal is to bring them to the surface and then blow them to kingdom come or set them ablaze, all while keeping safety regulations front and center.

The primary aim of the course is to bring units’ combat training up to snuff with modern standards, while also sharpening servicemen’s practical skills and know-how in making the most of new engineering equipment, keeping in step with the times.

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