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Uzbekistan Samarkand

Notaries play a vital role in the fight against corruption

Uza. Samarkand hosts two-stage international conferences dedicated to the notaries.

They are attended by the President of the International Notarial Cooperation Commission of the International Union of Notaries and representatives of the sphere, including chairmen of notarial chambers from about forty countries.

The first conference on “Combating money laundering in the notary sector” was held jointly by the Notary Chamber of Uzbekistan and the International Notarial Cooperation Commission. Its President, Richard Bock, moderated the meeting.

The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Tashkulov spoke about the reforms implemented in notaries in Uzbekistan in recent years and plans for the future.

Reports on the theme were heard from representatives of Senegal, the United Kingdom, Croatia, Spain, Austria, Argentina, Kazakhstan and other countries.

In the second half of the event, memorandums of cooperation were signed between the Notary Chamber of Uzbekistan, the Notaries Union of Türkiye, the notary chambers of Hungary and Mongolia, and the upcoming tasks were identified.

The President of the International Notarial Cooperation Commission of the International Union of Notaries Richard Bock, and the President of the International Union of Notaries Cristina Armella were awarded badges “For contribution to the notarial sector”, established by the Notary Chamber of Uzbekistan.

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