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Uzbekistan, Saudi DataVolt launch construction of green data center

Baku. TurkicWorld:

Uzbekistan and Saudi DataVolt company have launched the construction of the first phase of the green data center on the territory of IT Park Uzbekistan, TurkicWorld reports.

According to Uzbekistan's Ministry of Digital Technologies, DataVolt is expected to invest $5 billion in stages for the implementation of the project until 2030.

As part of the initial stage, a data center with a total capacity of 10 MW and costing $150 million will be built on the territory of IT Park Uzbekistan in Tashkent.

Within the second phase of the project, the sides will build a data center with a capacity of up to 250 MW on 25 hectares of land in the New Tashkent district.

Also in the third phase of the project, both sides plan to build a data center with an initial capacity of 40 MW and the possibility of increasing it up to 250 MW in the future in the Bukhara region.

After the launch of the project, DataVolt plans to attract large foreign IT companies to the data center and provide them with green infrastructure leases and other services.

Meanwhile, according to Uzbekistan's president, the country will create more than 20 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030.

The president also noted that the country is aiming to increase its share of the green energy balance to 40 percent.

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