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Türkiye pulls plug on license of radio channel for pushing pseudo-Armenian genocide

BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 4. The license of Acık Radyo radio (Open Radio), which propagandized the so-called "Armenian genocide," has been revoked in Türkiye, a member of the country's Supreme Council of Radio and Television İlhan Taşcı said, TurkicWorld reports.

According to him, the radio channel was previously fined by the Council's decision for such actions in one of its programs as inciting hatred and hostility in society.

"The broadcaster paid the fine, but the program in question continued to be aired, although a temporary ban was imposed on it by the Council's decision. Therefore, it was decided to cancel the license of the radio channel," he added.

To note, according to the applicable Turkish Law on Radio and Television and Broadcasting Services, a media service provider's license can be revoked if it continues to broadcast after a decision to stop or suspend broadcasting.

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