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Türkiye cuts down exports of automotive products to Turkmenistan

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 17. Türkiye's exports of automotive products to Turkmenistan fell 47.1 percent year-on-year to $9.9 million from January through May 2024, the statement of Türkiye's Trade Ministry said, TurkicWorld reports.

"In May this year, Türkiye exported automotive industry products worth $2.6 million to Turkmenistan, which is 32.4 percent less than in May last year," the statement of the ministry reads.

However, it should be noted that Türkiye's exports of automotive industry products increased by 5.3 percent from January through May 2024 compared to the same period last year and amounted to $15 billion.

"Türkiye exported $3.2 billion worth of automobile industry products in May this year, up 6.3 percent year-on-year," the statement of the ministry notes.

Furthermore, during the last 12 months (from May 2023 through May 2024), Türkiye exported $35.6 billion worth of automotive products.

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