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UAE to host 'Trade, Investment and Business Opportunities in Turkmenistan' forum

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, July 1. The UAE will host the 'Trade, Investment, and Business Opportunities in Turkmenistan' Forum on November 7-8 this year, TurkicWorld reports.

This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for the trade complex and textile industry, Batyr Atdayev, during a government meeting.

According to him, the event is planned to be organized within the framework of the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) dedicated to the oil and gas and energy industries, new technologies, and advanced developments, which will be held on November 4–7 in the capital of the UAE.

Taking into account the interest of major global companies in cooperation with Turkmenistan, the Deputy Prime Minister proposed to organize presentations on the site of a large-scale international review revealing the potential of the country with the participation of representatives of financial and economic, oil and gas, energy complexes, industries, trade, agriculture and water management, environment, transport, and communications.

Meanwhile, Turkmenistan and the UAE are strengthening their trade and economic cooperation through diverse initiatives, including the active development of mutual investments, the expansion of trade in various goods and services, and joint projects in the fields of energy, infrastructure, and digitalization.

Both countries strive to strengthen partnerships that promote sustainable economic growth and cooperation within the framework of international economic initiatives and organizations.

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