BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 18. Ankara is initiating the creation of an inspection mechanism to verify whether Israel has nuclear weapons, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, TurkicWorld reports.
“At the moment, more than a thousand lawyers have asked the International Criminal Court to investigate these war crimes, and the appeals continue to come. This is one part of the work. On the other hand, Israel is not a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. But member countries have the opportunity contact the International Atomic Energy Agency and request a monitoring mechanism. Now we will activate it. They will assemble a board of directors and make a decision on this matter. This process will take some time. They must convey the decision of the Board to the UN Security Council, the highest body of the Atomic Energy Agency. It is quite possible that the US will side with Israel and veto this issue. However, the fact that this issue has become the subject of controversy is a huge event. This is the first time such an appeal has been recorded in official documents regarding Israel. This is a very important issue from a balancing point of view strategic interests in the region. A review must be carried out before it is too late. I urge the whole world to keep this issue in the spotlight," Erdogan said.