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Azerbaijan Iran Parliament of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani Parliament adopts statement on Iran

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 7. Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis (Parliament) has strongly condemned the statement of the Iranian parliament against Azerbaijan, TurkicWorld reports.

Chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee on Science and Education Bakhtiyar Aliyev said that during the 30 years of Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani lands, the Iranian authorities have never made any statements about the actions of Armenia, which committed genocide in Khojaly and dozens of other Azerbaijani villages, but, on the contrary, expanded diplomatic relations and military cooperation with Armenia.

"The unfair statement of the Iranian parliament is strongly condemned by the Azerbaijani people, former internally displaced persons, including refugees expelled from Armenia," he noted.

MP Azer Badamov said at today's meeting of the Milli Majlis that Iran cannot accept the successful development and growing authority of Azerbaijan.

"Iran shouldn’t prompt Azerbaijan what to do. Azerbaijan is an independent state, and it knows how to build relations with other states. It would be good for the Iranian parliament to abandon its anti-Islamic, treacherous actions. It should protect Islamic values, and not build close relations with Armenians who insult Islam," Badamov noted.

Another MP Nizami Jafarov pointed out that Iran's position has long been known.

"We knew the position of Iran during the occupation of Azerbaijani lands. There is no second country that betrayed the values ​​of Islam as cynically as Iran. This country violates the rights of Azerbaijanis to life," Jafarov said.

According to the MP, Azerbaijan, building relations with other countries, does not and won’t consult with anyone

"We have seen friendship on the part of Israel and betrayal on the part of Iran," he added.

Previously, the Iranian parliament adopted a statement containing threats against Azerbaijan in connection with the opening of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Israel.

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