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Azerbaijan British parliament

Azerbaijan's experience in demining - example for whole world, British MP says

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 4. Azerbaijan's experience in the field of mine clearance was highly appreciated in the British Parliament and shown as an example for the whole world, TurkicWorld reports citing Azerbaijani Embassy in the UK.

On the occasion of April 4 - the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, UK MP Matthew Offord, Chairman of the Parliamentary Group on Explosive Ordnance Threats wrote an article titled "Azerbaijan - a country of oil, progressive thinking and mines". The article was published on the official website of the said parliamentary group (

In the article, the author tells about his visit to the destroyed city of Aghdam in May last year and notes that, during the 30-year conflict with Armenia, thousands of mines were laid on the territory of Azerbaijan, rockets and bombs were fired.

"Thanks to the help of international non-governmental organizations and financial assistance from the UK government, the Azerbaijan Mine Action Agency is gradually clearing the territory of explosives. To date, more than 19,000 hectares of land have been cleared of more than 55,000 explosives," the article says.

The article emphasizes that the British government considers the activities of the Azerbaijan Mine Action Agency (ANAMA) exemplary and plans to apply its experience in Ukraine in the future.

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