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Azerbaijan Armenia Russia Sergey Lavrov

Russia ready to coordinate parameters of Azerbaijan-Armenia peace treaty - Lavrov

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 20. Russia is ready to assist the coordination process of the peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a meeting with his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan, who is on a visit in Moscow, TurkicWorld reports.

"We have no doubt that the trilateral statements of the leaders of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan and Armenia remain the key to the implementation of all decisions in the interests of ensuring the stabilization of the situation in the economic, military-political and international legal spheres. We will be ready, as stated in the trilateral statements, to provide all possible assistance to unblock transport communications, delimit the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and coordinate the parameters of the peace treaty," Lavrov said.

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