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Azerbaijan provides employment to multiple people resettled in Lachin

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 26. The work on providing residents resettled in Lachin City, as well as Zabukh and Sus villages of Lachin district, with active employment programs continues within the framework of the Great Return program, TurkicWorld reports, referring to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan.

According to the information, the State Employment Agency is assessing the employment opportunities of these residents in the first phase and determining which employment program they will be involved in.

Out of the residents resettled in Lachin, 954 people have already been employed.

Furthermore, as part of the self-employment program, small farms have been established for 32 residents, and vocational training courses have been organized for 39 residents. Currently, work is underway to employ another 255 residents.

The Lachin branch of the East Zangezur Regional Branch of the State Employment Agency has been opened in order to increase the availability of employment services for residents resettled in Lachin.

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