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James O’Brien to travel to Azerbaijan

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 26. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs James C. O’Brien will travel to Baku, Azerbaijan, and Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 27-29, TurkicWorld reports with reference to the US State Department.

In Baku, Assistant Secretary O’Brien will meet with senior Azerbaijani government officials, to highlight progress in the U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relationship and U.S. support toward the conclusion of a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Assistant Secretary O’Brien will then travel to Dubrovnik, Croatia, to attend the Dubrovnik Forum and discuss the Western Balkans’ Euro-Atlantic integration with European partners and allies. In remarks to the forum, the Assistant Secretary will highlight U.S. support for unlocking the region’s reform potential. Assistant Secretary O’Brien will also meet with senior Croatian government officials to discuss defense cooperation, energy security, and other key priorities in the U.S.-Croatia bilateral relationship.

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