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State Tax Service

Azerbaijan's presidency in IOTA demonstrates growing authority of country - official

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 22. The Organization of Intra-European Tax Administrations (IOTA) is a significant international organization that brings together 43 European countries. It also serves as a platform for its members to collaborate and share knowledge on matters pertaining to the practical side of tax administration, as well as new developments and trends in the field, official of the Media and Communications Department of the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan Gunel Bahramgizi told TurkicWorld .

"In addition to serving three terms on the IOTA Executive Board, the State Tax Service has been an active member of the organization since 2002. When Azerbaijan was elected to the IOTA Executive Board, it was the first CIS country to do so. Following this protracted procedure, Azerbaijan's delegate to the position of IOTA president was elected within the General Assembly's purview," she noted.

The official noted that this is not only a merit of the State Tax Service, but also a sign of Azerbaijan's increasing clout and credibility on the global stage.

"The confidence given to Azerbaijan by the members of IOTA places great responsibility on us and also means a large amount of work. Presidency in the organization also means the emergence of certain obligations. This platform is important for us, first of all, from the point of view of studying progressive practices, and applying best practices in the tax system of our country. At the same time, Azerbaijan, in turn, seeks to share several achievements with the organization members and exchange information," she stressed.

Bahramgizi further mentioned that a large number of State Tax Service employees are involved with IOTA in a variety of capacities, including participating in and providing expert testimony at seminars, forums, and other events.

"Furthermore, it should be noted that IOTA has several effective tools for cooperation in the tax field. As an example, we can mention the ISORA project, which allows to collect and conduct comparative analysis of information on tax administrations in a single database, as well as the detailed study of international experience in the field of taxation, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills of tax administration staff that meet modern requirements - the VITARA project. As an example, we can mention the tool "technical inquiries," which provides for the expansion of cooperation and is also of exceptional importance," she added.

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