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Azerbaijan Armenia Yashar Aliyev

Armenia failed to share accurate information about locations of minefields in Azerbaijan - official

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 22. Armenia has failed to share an accurate information about the locations of the minefields that it has deliberately laid in civilian areas, Yashar Aliyev, Azerbaijan's Permanent Representative to the UN, said during the open debate at the UN HQ, TurkicWorld reports.

"The consequences of war continue to impact civilians. In the liberated territories we have discovered ruined cities, destroyed and desecrated cultural monuments, and the devastated environment. This conflict also turned Azerbaijan into one of the most mine contaminated countries in the world, with an estimated 1.5 million land mines and unknown number of explosive remnants of war, posing severe risks to civilians, hindering the return of internally displaced persons to their homes, and delaying the essential reconstruction and development works there," he said.

According to Aliyev, over the past 30 years, the number of mine victims in Azerbaijan has reached 3,439 people.

"Yesterday, on the day of this open debate, another civilian in my country was killed by landmine, bringing the number of post conflict victims in Azerbaijan to 360 of whom 68 lost their lives and 292 suffered horrific injuries. Half of them are civilians including children and woman," the official added.

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