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Engagement of foreign military in S. Caucasus fails to contribute to security - Iranian MFA

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 22. Iran has always stated that the arrival of foreign troops in the South Caucasus and the participation of the foreign military in the region fail to contribute to security and stability and ensure the interests of the people of the region, the spokesperson for Iran's Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanani, said during the press conference in Tehran today, TurkicWorld reports.

According to him, security in the South Caucasus is one of Iran's top priorities. Security in the South Caucasus affects security in the entire region. Any threat or destabilization hurts the security of the entire region.

The spokesperson stated that any strategy aimed at strengthening the military situation in the South Caucasus will complicate the security conditions in the region and will deal a blow to the attempts to establish peace there. Iran, on the other hand, does not accept such a strategy.

Kanani added that Iran's strategy is to hold negotiations and multilateral dialog using existing and defined mechanisms to settle the differences between the two sides (Azerbaijan and Armenia) and develop peace, stability, and security in the region.

To note, on April 19, 2024, the 8th meeting of the State Commission on the Delimitation of the State Border between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia and the Commission on the Matters of Delimitation of the State Border and Border Security between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan took place under the chairmanship of Shahin Mustafayev, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Mher Grigoryan, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia.

At the initial stage of the delimitation process, the sides tentatively agreed on the passage of certain segments of the border line directly between the settlements of Baganis (RA) – Baganys Ayrim (AR), Voskepar (RA) – Ashagy Askipara (AR), Kirants (RA) – Kheyrimli (AR), and Berkaber (RA) - Gyzylhajily (AR) to bring them in line with the legally justified inter-republican border that existed within the Soviet Union at the time of its collapse.

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