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Azerbaijan Armenia Hikmat Hajiyev

Azerbaijan expects proper explanation from Armenia regarding legal and constitutional documents

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 1. We are expecting a proper explanation for the legal and also constitutional framework from Armenia, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan and Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev said, TurkicWorld reports.

He made the remark during a panel discussion at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum held today.

"Currently, we are awaiting a comprehensive explanation regarding the legal and constitutional framework of the Republic of Armenia, which still retains the element of 'Miatsum' and territorial claims. From the Armenian side, there needs to be a genuine commitment to advancing the interim agenda. Simultaneously, we must remain vigilant about potential new developments. Unfortunately, a controversial trend has emerged, involving the export of geopolitical influence beyond the original export development structures, resulting in new lines of division. It is crucial to address this development seriously. In the meantime, there should be a real border between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and approach confrontations from that perspective," he said.

Hajiyev pointed out there is a strong willingness and political determination from the Azerbaijani side to transform the region and make the South Caucasus a region of peace, security, and cooperation.

"President Ilham Aliyev has proposed a model for an integrated South Caucasus region where all three countries can come together. Our agenda also emphasizes regional ownership, meaning that all three countries should actively participate in and contribute to regional initiatives, rather than expecting the imposition of certain cooperative elements from one side. It involves taking responsibility for the sake of regional cooperation. We have successfully established a fruitful cooperation model between Azerbaijan and Georgia, and Armenia could benefit from this experience," he added.

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