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Azerbaijan Armenia Azerbaijani Defense Ministry Shusha Khojaly

Azerbaijan's Khojaly, Shusha forest areas prove mined by Armenians - Azerbaijani MoD

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 2. Servicemen of the Armenian army mined up to 480 km of areas up to two km deep along the former contact line, including about 100 km from the Buzlug peak to Mount Lachin, after the 2020 second Karabakh war, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan told TurkicWorld.

The ministry noted that in the Karabakh economic region, mines were installed mainly near populated areas and cemeteries, in forest areas around Khojaly and the city of Shusha, as well as on highways.

Following the liberation of its lands, Azerbaijan, starting in November 2020, started carrying out operations on clearing its lands from mines, booby traps, and various weapons left behind by the Armenian troops.

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