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Azerbaijan Organization of Turkic States (OTS)

Today, OTS is in state of rapid development- Azerbaijani retired colonel

BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 4. The Organization of the Turkic States (OTS) is going through a period of its highest development today, veteran and honorary employee of the security agencies of Azerbaijan, retired Colonel Azer Garayev told TurkicWorld.

“The personal authority of President Ilham Aliyev and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the world, as well as the high level of Azerbaijani-Turkish unity, are the main factors influencing the development of the Organization of Turkic States,” said Garayev.

He noted that the 10th summit of the OTS was fruitful in terms of making important decisions.

"The Astana Act and the Declaration of the Astana Summit were signed at the meeting. The declaration welcomes the full restoration of Azerbaijan's sovereignty as a result of local anti-terrorist measures carried out from September 19 through 20, 2023 and the efforts of the Azerbaijani government to reintegrate, as well as expresses full support for the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia based on the principles of mutual recognition and respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and the inviolability of internationally recognized borders," Garayev said.

Furthermore, Garayev stated that the legal framework for the ongoing development of OTS is already complete.

"In the coming days, we will witness further development of relations between the Turkic countries," Garayev said.

He also noted practical steps reflecting the unity between the Turkic countries.

"Both during the second Karabakh war and after it, we saw the support of the Turkic countries. A special mention can be made of the school building built by Uzbekistan as well as the construction by Kazakhstan of a creative center in Azerbaijan’s Fuzuli. The Turkic countries, which are reliable partners in the political arena, also closely cooperate in the economic and cultural spheres. The declaration signed at the meeting also calls for taking important steps to expand cooperation in the field of transport between the member countries of the OTS, as well as encouraging the holding of the 7th meeting of the Ministers of Transport of the OTS and an international conference on the topic "International Transport and Logistics Corridor: Development Impulses from Zangilan". In addition, the initiative to declare Azernaijan’s Guba the agricultural capital of the Turkic world is emphasized," Garayev said.

He stated that in the current moment, the Turkic countries' solidarity and togetherness play a critical role and serve as an example to the rest of the world. Against the backdrop of global problems and political clashes, this togetherness among countries is priceless, and the Turkic countries will achieve even greater achievement in the forthcoming years.

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