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Armenia Azerbaijan Ombudsman Karabakh OIC Terter

OIC Ombudsmen Association's delegations inspects monument "Maraga-150" in Tartar

The delegation of the Association of Ombudsmen of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states, within the framework of a trip to Tartar to continue the assessment mission to investigate the facts of Armenian crimes in the Azerbaijani territories during the occupation period, examined the Maragha-150 monument on September 17, TurkicWorld Karabakh Bureau reports.

The members of the delegation were informed in detail about the monument.

The monument "Maraga-150" was built in the village of Maraga in the Agdarin region of the Azerbaijan SSR (now the village of Shikharh in the Tartar region of Azerbaijan) in 1978 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the resettlement of the first 200 Armenian families from the Iranian city of Maraga to Karabakh.

The monument with the inscription "Maraga-150" in Armenian was destroyed in 1988, when the Armenians began to present their territorial claims to Azerbaijan. Despite the fact that the monument was destroyed, its remains have survived and today are located in the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan.

After the occupation of Northern Azerbaijan by tsarist Russia in 1828, according to the Turkmenchay agreement with the Qajar empire, the Armenians had to be resettled to Karabakh, Nakhchivan and Yerevan. The first wave of resettlement began with the dispatch of 200 Armenian families to Karabakh from the Maraga province. Although at first the Armenians called the place of their settlement Maraga, later the name of the village was Armenianized and was renamedto be Maragashen (the village of Maraga in Armenian).

In the archives of St. Petersburg, in this regard, a record of a famous Armenian historian was even found, who wrote in 1930 that the mountainous part of Karabakh has been the primordial Azerbaijani land for centuries, and the Armenians have nothing to do with this territory.

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