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Chinese businessmen called upon to invest in projects in Kyrgyzstan

An official meeting was held in Beijing on September 18 between Deputy Director of the National Investment Agency under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Damirbek Bikulov and representatives of the Organizing Committee "Central Asia. Four Countries. One Belt - One Road" "National Flavor of the Silk Road", as well as with the heads of leading Chinese companies.

The Investment Agency reported that the main topic of the meeting was cooperation aimed at strengthening and developing bilateral relations in the field of investment.

During the meeting, the sides discussed the prospects for deepening economic cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and China. Particular attention was paid to such key areas as infrastructure projects, development of energy, mining, agriculture and new technologies.

Representatives of both sides expressed confidence that this cooperation will be an important step in strengthening economic ties between the two countries.

"We are pleased to see that our efforts to attract foreign investment are yielding results. Working with Chinese partners will open up new opportunities to strengthen our economy and create jobs," Bikulov noted. The meeting was held in a spirit of mutual understanding and readiness for long-term partnership.