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Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

We need to decrease inflation by half - Kazakh President

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 30. It is necessary to decrease the inflation rate by half this year, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the President of Kazakhstan, said, TurkicWorld reports, citing the press service of the President.

The statement was made during the President’s address to the lower house of the Parliament.

"Our primary task is to establish control over the prices for food production. Consequently, one of our priorities is to develop the agriculture-industrial complex," the head of state said.

He added that it is necessary to increase the volume of production in this sector and increase its added value. The head of state noted that the domestic market demand should be satisfied primarily with domestic goods.

President Tokayev concluded by saying that the government needs to decrease its influence on market processes.

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