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Kazakhstan encourages Serbia to seize Middle Corridor opportunities

Baku. TurkicWorld:

Kazakhstan has called on Serbia to more actively use the expanding opportunities of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR, or Middle Corridor), TurkicWorld reports.

This topic was discussed during a meeting between the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Serbia Madi Atamkulov and the Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade of Serbia Tomislav Momirović.

Thus, Atamkulov pointed out the importance of thinking outside the box when it comes to diversifying bilateral trade turnover. He emphasized the need to seize the bull by the horns and make more proactive use of the expanding opportunities of the Middle Corridor.

In turn, Momirović pointed out that official Belgrade pays great attention to the development of relations with Kazakhstan, both at the political and economic levels.

"Serbia is interested in implementing joint economic projects," he said. In this regard, in order to explore new opportunities for cooperation, Momirović expressed his readiness to visit Kazakhstan with a Serbian business delegation at the beginning of 2025.

The Middle Corridor is a transportation and trade route that connects Asia and Europe, passing through several countries in the region. It is an alternative route to the traditional Northern Corridor and Southern Corridor.

The route starts in China and crosses Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. It then passes through the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Türkiye before reaching Europe.

The Middle Corridor offers a land route that connects the eastern parts of Asia, including China, with Europe, bypassing the longer maritime routes.

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