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Turkey Kazakhstan

Kazakh, Turkish FMs discuss prospects of bilateral co-op

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, March 1. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu, as part of his participation in the III Antalya Diplomacy Forum, held talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye Hakan Fidan on February 29, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the MFA, the parties discussed a wide range of issues of political, trade, economic, investment and cultural cooperation. During the conversation, a high assessment was given to the dynamics of the development in Kazakh-Turkish relations across the entire spectrum of bilateral cooperation.

Special attention was paid to the development of transit, transport, cultural and humanitarian cooperation and collaboration between the two countries in the field of education.

The foreign ministers also deliberated on issues of the international and regional agenda, including through integration associations, among which the Organization of Turkic States occupies a special place for both states.

Meanwhile, the volume of trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Türkiye amounted to $6 billion in 2023. The volume of trade turnover decreased by 5.3 percent compared to the same period in 2022 ($6.3 billion).

At the same time, in the structure of trade turnover, exports to Türkiye for the above period amounted to $3.9 billion, which is 16.4 percent less than from January through December 2022 ($4.7 billion).

In addition, imports from Türkiye from January through December 2023 increased by 27 percent and amounted to $2 billion. For 2022, imports amounted to $1.6 billion.

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