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Kazakhstan Astana

Fire at Kazakhstan's Astana airport causes flight delays

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, February 27. A fire broke out at the airport of Astana, Kazakhstan, this morning, which was localized by the efforts of firefighters, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the information, all passengers of the airport terminal were evacuated to a safe place due to heavy smoke during the fire extinguishing.

The firefighting work involved 20 units of basic equipment, 3 units of special equipment, and 58 people.

"Astana International Airport (Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport) continues to receive arriving flights. However, the departure of 18 flights from the airport is delayed. The exact time of departure of delayed flights is still unknown," said in the press service of the airport.

After extinguishing the fire, the terminal of domestic flights T2 was put into operation. Passenger registration has been opened in the terminal of domestic flights. The international flights terminal is also being restored.

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