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Russia Kazakhstan China Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Vladimir Putin

Transit of Russian gas through Kazakhstan brings co-op in energy sector to new level - Tokayev

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, November 9. Agreements on the transit of Russian oil to China, as well as gas to Uzbekistan through the territory of Kazakhstan, have brought cooperation in the energy sector to a qualitatively new level, said President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, TurkicWorld reports.

"Over the past 3 years, trade turnover has increased by more than 30 percent, and this positive trend continues. Based on the results of 8 months of this year, mutual trade amounted to $17 billion, which is also a record figure," he said.

According to Tokayev, industrial cooperation is developing dynamically.

As Tokayev noted, Russia is the undisputed leader in the number of enterprises with foreign capital in Kazakhstan.

"More than 20,000 Russian companies are registered in our country. Direct investments from the Russian Federation, according to our estimates, exceeded $20 billion. Moreover, about $3.5 billion have been invested in the last two years alone. In turn, the volume of Kazakh investments reached $6 billion. It’s gratifying that this is a mutual process," he said.

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