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Kazakhstan and Mongolia plan to open a museum

ULAN BATOR. KAZINFORM The 9th sitting of the Kazakhstan-Mongolia intergovernmental commission for trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation convened in Ulan Bator.

The visiting delegation of Kazakhstan is led by Information and Social Development Minister, co-chairman of the commission Darkhan Kydyrali, Kazinform learnt from the Ministry’s press service.

As part of the working visit the Kazakh Minister met with Mongolia’s Education and Science Minister Luvsantserengiin Enkh-Amgalan.


«Mongolia is Kazakhstan’s reliable partner. Kazakhstan attaches great importance to the development of mutual beneficial relations in various areas. We closely collaborate in international organizations,» the Kazakh minister said.

He added the countries will further cooperate in the sphere of education and science, information and archeology, especially, in unveiling a museum to jointly explore the history of nomads.

Recently Mongolia’s UBS TV Channel and Khabar TV Channel signed a memorandum of mutual cooperation.


The sides also focused on establishing academic ties, strengthening cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

Cooperation in trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian, agricultural, transport, cultural and sports sectors, education and science are on the agenda of the 9th meeting of the commission.

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