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Azerbaijan Hungary

Meeting topics between Azerbaijani, Hungarian working groups on energy unveiled

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 24. The fourth meeting of Azerbaijan and Hungary's Working Group on Energy in Baku focused on the implementation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement on the development and transportation of green energy among Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, and Hungary, as well as the advancement of gas cooperation development, TurkicWorld reports via the Azerbaijani Ministry of Energy.

"Zaur Mammadov, the co-chairman of the working group and head of staff of the Ministry of Energy, highlighted that meetings across various levels and signed documents are fostering the development of cooperation in both traditional and green energy sectors, with progress and achievements surpassing initial plans," the press release noted.

In turn, Isabella Feyerabend, Head of the Department of Energy and Climate Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, shared her views on the current state of cooperation within the working group and steps for 2024.

"The meeting featured talks on exchanging ideas about energy efficiency experience and the management of energy efficiency funds, training programs, and other related topics. At the conclusion, a protocol was signed, and it was agreed that the next meeting of the working group would be held in Budapest next year," the ministry said.

To note, Hungary is among the European buyers of Azerbaijani gas.

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