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Azerbaijani Finance Ministry

Azerbaijan discloses projected 2025 state budget revenues and expenditures

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 18. Azerbaijan's state budget revenues are forecasted at 36.6 billion ($21.5 billion) in 2025, which is 228 million manat ($134.1 million), or 0.6 percent more than the approved figure for 2024, and 1.3 billion manat ($764 million), or 3.9 percent more than the execution figure for 2023, TurkicWorld reports, referring to the Azerbaijani Finance Ministry.

Furthermore, it is noted that next year's state budget expenditures are projected at 39.6 billion manat ($23.2 billion) compared to the adjusted forecast of 2024 with a decrease of 74.7 million manat ($43.9 million) or 0.2 percent, which is 3.2 billion manat ($1.8 billion) more than the performance in 2023.

Until the revision of the state budget in 2024, the state budget expenditures amounted to 36.7 billion manat ($21.5 billion), which is 2.9 billion manat ($1.7 billion) less than the amount proposed for 2025.

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