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Legal system can grow crucial tool in fight against climate change - Azerbaijani official

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 6. The legal system can grow into a crucial tool in the fight against climate change, Chairman of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Inam Karimov said during the Law & Climate International Conference in Baku today, TurkicWorld reports.

He emphasized the importance of the ongoing discussions, noting that climate change impacts all aspects of life, from the economy and ecology to human rights.

"Climate change is a global challenge with increasingly evident consequences: more frequent natural disasters, ecosystem destruction, and intensifying migration flows. However, this issue goes beyond purely environmental and social concerns; it also becomes a significant legal challenge.

Human rights violations, the emergence of new legal disputes, and the development of new legal norms are all consequences of climate change," the official added.

Karimov pointed out that international treaties, such as the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, and other legal documents, impose obligations on states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and take measures to mitigate the effects of climate change.

States are not the only entities involved in this battle, as private companies must also take climate risks into account when conducting their business. Lawyers, attorneys, prosecutors, and judges also play a crucial role in shaping and enforcing legal norms aimed at combating climate change. The law not only regulates these processes but also aids in developing preventive measures to stop the destructive effects on the environment.

Azerbaijan is actively involved in global initiatives aimed at combating climate change and contributes to international legal processes. Azerbaijan will host future events like the COP29 conference, providing a platform for crucial decision-making and the formation of new international agreements.

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