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Armenians responsible for river pollution in liberated territories of Azerbaijan

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 29. Rivers in the territories liberated from the occupation are polluted by Armenians, the Deputy Head of the Environmental Policy Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan Rafig Verdiyev told TurkicWorld

He emphasized that pollution in local rivers in these areas is also higher than normal.

"This is, of course, due to years of inefficient utilization of natural resources and dumping of harmful substances and wastes into the rivers. On the Okchuchay River and our other rivers, regular monitoring is carried out. Thus, hydrological points along the Okchuchay River and other transboundary rivers have been restored, and an automatic station and quality sensors have been installed. This also allows us, if there is any impact on the rivers, to take certain measures against it," Verdiyev noted.

The representative of the Ministry also mentioned that the territories liberated from occupation are rich in water resources.

"There are also other rivers in these territories, such as Hakari, Bargushad, and Tartarchay. Unfortunately, during the occupation of our territories, we were not able to fully utilize our water resources. Water reserves in the liberated territories are sufficient for irrigation and other purposes. Once our lands were liberated, it became possible to use the rivers of these territories for water supply of the region and adjacent territories," he added.

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