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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

President Ilham Aliyev views conditions created in Khagani Garden and adjacent areas after reconstruction works

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 14. On September 14, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev visited the "Khagani" Garden and adjacent areas in the Sabail district of Baku to review the conditions following recent renovation and improvement works, TurkicWorld reports.

Eldar Azizov, Head of the Baku City Executive Authority, briefed the head of state on the renovation and improvement works carried out in the garden.

The "Khagani" Garden has been expanded with the roads surrounding Rasul Rza, Gogol and Khagani streets closed and converted into pedestrian-only areas. Additionally, the improvements in the park spanning a total of 1.4 hectares included expanded green area, upgraded lighting, installation of modern benches, creation of children's playground, and renovation and improvement works carried out on the adjacent residential buildings.

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