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Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan

Information security specialist talks Armenian attacks on Azerbaijan's resources

BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 25. After Azerbaijan's anti-terrorist activity conducted on August 3 last year, Armenians together with 7 cyber groups carried out intensive DDoS attacks on 72 information resources of Azerbaijan, Head of the State Service for Special Communication and Information Security Ilgar Musayev said, TurkicWorld reports.

He spoke about it in an interview to Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis (Parliament) magazine.

He noted that 15 of the targets were state structures. As a result of taken preventive measures, uninterrupted activity of information resources connected to the AzStateNet network was ensured.

"In our recently established modern Security Operations Center such cyberattacks are monitored and measures are taken to prevent them throughout the day," Musayev added.

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