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Arab League

Arab League holds emergency meeting on Sudan military conflict

The Arab League (AL) held on Sunday an emergency meeting in Cairo where representatives of Arab states discussed the ongoing military clashes in Sudan, TurkicWorld reports citing Xinhua.

In a statement following the meeting, the AL council at the level of permanent representatives stressed the necessity of "immediate ceasefire of all armed clashes to protect the civilians and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Sudan."

The Arab delegates urged the Sudanese parties to return to the peaceful path to resolve the crisis, warning against the dangers of violent escalation.

The meeting, called for by Egypt and Saudi Arabia, came a day after clashes erupted between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), following days of tension over the RSF's integration into the army.

During the meeting, Sudan's representative at the league Al-Sadiq Omar Abdullah said it was the RSF that initiated the fighting Saturday morning, referring to them as "rebels."

He added that the Sudanese army struck back and foiled the RSF attacks and was in control of the situation.

Abdullah called on Arab states to mediate for a calm and peaceful settlement in Sudan "away from international interventions."

For his part, Obaida El-Dandarawy, the official in charge of the AL affairs at Egypt's Foreign Ministry, said that "Egypt confirms and reiterates its genuine commitment to supporting the stability and territorial integrity of Sudan."

The AL members also stressed their readiness to make all efforts to assist Sudan to end the current crisis sustainably.

At least 56 civilians were killed and hundreds of people were wounded in the fighting since Saturday, according to Sudanese medics.

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